Rails FactoryBot in Cypress?

Want to use FactoryBot.create(…) inside your Cypress tests? Well, it’s not that hard to set up.

Dominic Plein
2 min readJun 26, 2024



Here’s how your Cypress test might look like in the end.
See the GitHub repo here.

// spec/cypress/e2e/submissions_spec.cy.js
import FactoryBot from "../support/factorybot";

describe("Submissions", () => {
beforeEach(() => {

it("can create a submission", function () {
FactoryBot.create("assignment", "with_deadline_tomorrow", { file_type: ".pdf", size_max: 10 })

cy.then(() => {


Testing should be fun, otherwise it’s hard to incorporate it into your daily routine. For frontend UI tests, I enjoy Cypress as framework.

One more ingredient is test isolation. Without it, you will likely end up frustrated searching for the root cause of multiple failing tests. To achieve such an isolation, we can clean our database before every test run and also use mock objects. FactoryBot and DatabaseCleaner are two amazing gems that help with this in Ruby on Rails unit tests. But what about frontend tests? Cypress cannot access the database directly.

The solution is easy: provide routes with respective controllers in your Rails application that allow to clean the database and create mock objects. And then call these routes from your Cypress tests. That’s all you need, but of course a bit syntactic sugar and convenience methods on top of that might be desirable such that you can write this in Cypress tests:

FactoryBot.create("assignment", "with_deadline_tomorrow", { file_type: ".pdf", size_max: 10 })

I’ve set up a GitHub repo providing a minimal demo that you can follow along to implement this in your own project. You really don’t need much code for this. Happy testing!

Follow me on YouTube: Splines | Splience



Dominic Plein
Dominic Plein

Written by Dominic Plein

Fond of explaining things visually and getting creative through music (piano), math & computer science (currently a bachelor student).

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